Provides the intelligent and effective Wi-Fi solution and provide effortless meshing ability.
At Ruckus Wireless, we breed specific Smart Wi-Fi products for specific applications. We call it purpose-built Wi-Fi. It's a different approach from those other companies, who build general-purpose systems, then try to convince you that they were designed precisely for your needs.
Our Smart Wi-Fi systems aren't developed on some research wonk's theoretical postulations, but rather on specific levels of performance, functionality, and capabilities-for the markets that require them.
Enterprise WLANs
Robust, secure, scalable and rel iable centrally- managed WLANs that fit within any existing network architecture.
SME/Branch Office
Simpler and more reliable WLANs that deploy faster, cost less, improve performance - and can actually be installed by you.
Smart Hotspots/HotZones
The next phase of broadband operator Wi-Fi like VoIP over Wi-Fi,multicast IP-based video (IPTV), and tiered
Wi-Fi services.
Triple-Play Carrier Services
Voice, video, data, and wireless-all with greater range, strong performance, and extended management capabilities.
Wireless Broadband Access
Extending fixed line broadband access with low-cost, centrally managed Smart Wi-Fi.